Join 4H

Join Remind 101 for updates on club meetings and announcements


Zavala Shooting Sports: text @zavalash to the number 81010

Crystal City Members: @cc4hmember to the number 81010

Crystal City Parents: text @cc4hparent to the number 81010


4-H Online Basics | Extension Marketing and Communications


Find More Information On Joining, including current participation fee amount and project lists, CLICK HERE.

Texas 4-H is a club for kids in 3rd – 12th grade, with programs for K-2. From food science and robotics to fashion design and photography, there’s a 4-H activity for everyone. Find a club near you to start making friends, learn new skills, and be a better you!



Explore what you can do with 4-H

  • Agriculture & Livestock From stock shows to beef, dairy, goats, dogs and cats, learn responsibility with animals. Agriculture & Livestock Category
  • Family & Community Health Be a star in the kitchen or a smart shopper – be a leader in your family with healthy Family & Community Health Category
  • Leadership & Citizenship Practice your public speaking skills, help your community, & become a better leader! Leadership & Citizenship Category
  • Natural Resources Love being outside? Come learn about wildlife, forestry, shooting sports, water conservation & wildlife & fisheries. Natural Resources Category
  • STEM Learn about robotics, computers, alternative energy, engineering, rocketry , theater, performance art and photography. STEM Category
  • Engineering Projects If math, science or technology is your thing, learn to build robots and rockets! Explore the universe! Engineering Projects Category
  • Science Projects Explore the world through our science projects – veterinary, bugs, plants, gardening, technology & more. Science Projects Category
  • Recreational Activities Get Active! You’ll love to learn about outdoor education, sportfishing, gardening and even travel. Recreational Activities Category


We are Texas 4-H:  Texas 4-H is built upon a base of outstanding individuals committed to Making the Best Better. We Are Texas 4-H


How to Support 4-H:  You can make life-changing experiences happen. Give of your time or financial support. Give to 4-H Now


School Curriculum:  Texas 4-H offers curriculum for teachers to plan fun 4-H projects for your classroom. Learn More

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